Friday, January 11, 2013

The world of monochrome - part 1.

Found a nice video tutorial for painting. I tried to follow the instructions, more or less with success.

This is a monochrome winter picture, only 2 colors were used: white and burnt umber.

Little Blue Girl

Practising this Photoshop stuff. Grrr... After trying to paint everything by mouse, I made a decision: hurt for a digital tablet! So the finishing touches have been already done by my Wacom.

The drawing were created with pencil and later inked with artistic pen.
Scanned and transferred to PS.
Coloring, coloring, coloring, drinking, shit what happened, eraser... better to go to bed... new day, new life, coloring, coloring... something similar was the process. :)

The little blue girl is Isanami from Brave10.
The background was downloaded from the net and I applied wind effect on it to make it more blurry.

Enjoy it with some nice jazz music by Diana Krall:

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Sunset scene

Found a nice palette knife technique picture, and tried to make similar - but with brush. Damn, wasn't the best idea, as the knife leaves different lines, but as I don't have it and don't know the exact technique yet, I had to work with the tool I have at home.
Made it also for a friend of mine, and I'm really happy that she liked it:

Slowly I should find out how to paint a signo on it :)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Upside down drawing

I am reading the book Drawing on the right side of the brain by Betty Edwards and doing the drawing tasks.
A very interesting example is if you turn a picture upside down, your left brain gets confused and refuses the participation. So your right brain can be the leader and finally you are in R-mode (Right brain mode), your imagination is free, you will care only about the curves, lines, angles and portions; and do not care anymore what you are drawing.

I made two drawings today. The first is the way how I draw it, the second when I turned it.
Picasso's Igor Stravinsky:

Horse from unknown artist: